Crop Spot: Michigan Oats

Whether it’s for porridge, cookies, milk, or even moisturizer, the humble oat is bound to play some role in your day. Slightly nutty, oats are a mild cereal that easily take on the flavors of other ingredients, making them truly one of the most versatile agricultural items around. Sweeten them up or add them to a savory dish – you’ll want to use oats for their accessibility, versatility and nutrition.

Rinsed oat groats on a butcher block countertop

Michigan Oats Nutrition

Oats are rich in fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and thiamine, keeping cholesterol in check and lowering the risk of heart disease. Oats contain more protein and less carbs than most grains, and their high fiber content aids digestion.

Varieties of Oats

Groat is the whole hulled kernel, used for adding crunchy texture to bowls, salads or stews.

Bran is the dense, protein-packed form of oats.

Rolled oats are oats that have been rolled flat and dried. They are very absorbent and used for quick cooking.

Steel-cut oats, also known as Irish Oats, are used similarly to rolled oats but are crunchier and take longer to absorb milk or water and cook. 

Did you know? Oats are also a secondary crop! As in, they were originally weeds that got mixed in with other cereal crops. Imagine if we still thought of oats like mere weeds today: At the very least, breakfast would be much less fibrous.

Oats In Michigan

Michigan harvested 20,000 acres of oats in 2021 alone, cultivating $4,599,000 of state-wide value. Because oats from big-brand stores are linked to carcinogens used in pesticides, they are a great choice to source locally.You can find home-grown oats from farms near you by searching our Find Food and Farms Directory.

Oat Groat Recipes

Aside from our Oat Groat ‘Risotto’ with Bleu Cheese, Apple, and Rosemary, oats are a breakfast staple that can be mixed into granola and sprinkled atop a bowl of yogurt or ice cream, or added to muffins and cookies for baking. Whatever you do, this Michigan-friendly crop adds a delicious and nutrient-packed punch to your day.

Lily Venable is the former Social Media Coordinator for Taste the Local Difference.

Further reading: