May 25, 2020

West Michigan Producers Launch New REKO Market

It’s a new world for local producers, as sales move to online stores and innovation is more important than ever. In West Michigan, Green Wagon Farm has rallied…

May 21, 2020

Making Valuable Connections

Imagine for a moment, a fresh Taste the Local Difference Local Food Coordinator, newly tasked with making new connections in their region to locally grown and produced foods.…

May 20, 2020

Growing a Local Garden

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, gardening seems more popular than ever before. With all sectors of the country experiencing some troubles related to food, many are taking action in…

May 7, 2020

Support Local Business While Supporting A Home Garden

It doesn’t get more local than your own backyard, and now, home gardeners can access all the supplies needed to start and maintain a home garden at their…

April 27, 2020

Small Boats are Easier to Turn than Cruise Ships

Every morning I wince at the new headlines: “Smithfield shutting U.S. pork plant indefinitely, warns of meat shortages during pandemic;” “Dumped Milk, Smashed Eggs, Plowed Vegetables: Food Waste…

April 24, 2020

A Letter to Farmers: Adapting in the time of COVID-19

This is an edited version of a piece created by Kristen Muehlhauser, a farmer and registered nurse in Washtenaw County. Learn more about Kristen, her farm, and her…

April 20, 2020

Crop Spot: Parsnips

Behold the parsnip!  Parsnips, or Pastinaca sativa, are humble root vegetables closely related to carrots and parsley. These pale roots taste just as sweet as carrots with earthier…

April 15, 2020

Supporting Local in the time of CoVID-19

During times of uncertainty, I find peace and comfort in drilling down to what I can control and do in my personal life. As someone privileged to currently…

April 15, 2020

Farming in the Age of Coronavirus

As a farmer, I’m always trying to plan for the unexpected. A late spring hail shreds the leafy greens, a rainy market day puts us behind our sales…

March 26, 2020

Mental Health First Aid for Farmers

The National Farmers Union’s 118th Anniversary Convention gathered family farmers, ranchers, and industry professionals at the Hyatt Regency Savannah in Georgia, earlier this March. This is an annual…