Farming in the Age of Coronavirus

As a farmer, I’m always trying to plan for the unexpected. A late spring hail shreds the leafy greens, a rainy market day puts us behind our sales…

Les Cheneaux Culinary School: Cultivating Culinary & Local Food Culture

Les Cheneaux Culinary School (LCCS), located in Hessel, was brought to life in September of 2014 by the Les Cheneaux Community Foundation (LCCF), a group of individuals who…

Soup for the Soul: Ham & Whitefish Soup

During holiday debates about featured proteins, I’ve always been open minded – as long as it wasn’t ham. Recently at a food-tasting of Case Country Farm meats at…

5 Food Focused Films for 2020

Films provide a channel for inspiration, escape, education and sometimes even a new-found purpose. Alex, our UP Local Food Coordinator, picked out the following 5 films to keep…

The UP Food Exchange: A New Online Marketplace

The Upper Peninsula region’s local food council, the U.P. Food Exchange, is fueled by the momentum of individuals, organizations and businesses looking to support more centralized and healthier…

Spice it up with Curried Squash Soup!

The Downtown Marquette Farmers Market held their annual winter squash tasting recently led by Sarah Monte of the Marquette Food Co-op. Our UP Local Food Coordinator, Alex Palzewicz,…

Thinking Fall: Pork, Potatoes & Peas

Here in the Upper Peninsula the nights are getting chilly again, which means we all are busy soaking up what’s left summer. Kayaking, hiking, biking and event after…

Get to the Farm! Central UP Farm Tours

Every farm visit is unique, but the one common denominator is that you’ll always leave with a deeper appreciation for food and those who work so hard to…

Alex’s Favorite Smoothie Recipes

Here we are already in July, and the temperatures are finally feeling like summer here in the UP. June gave growers a slow start, but now we’ve had…

We’re Growing! Taste the Local Difference Expands

Exciting changes are coming to Taste the Local Difference this year! First, we are pleased to announce two new employees in West Michigan. Second, we will publish one…